Can You Get a Brazilian Wax While Pregnant?

Pregnancy is a time of change. Changes to your body and your life might make you feel out of control. Self-care during this time is hugely important because you deserve it with everything happening around you. 

It’s natural to question the safety of beauty treatments when you’re already being cautious. The desire to feel “normal” is common as your body changes. Something as routine as a waxing session might feel scary or dangerous.

Most beauty treatments are safe for pregnant people, but Brazilian waxing deserves a second look. There are many factors to consider, most of which we’ll discuss here. 

If you’re concerned about waxing while pregnant, we have a guide to help you make the best decision. Join us!

When you should not be getting waxed

Getting a Brazilian wax treatment while pregnant is generally safe. While your skin may be more sensitive, you should be fine unless other issues are present. Talk with your doctor beforehand if you’re concerned, but a good esthetician will also know how to guide you. 

There are plenty of other skin concerns that take waxing off the table. These apply to all types of waxing, not just Brazilian wax treatments.

If you have any open cuts, do not get waxed

When considering waxing, the policies of your salon should help you decide. Most estheticians won’t wax over open cuts, scabs, or lesions. Because waxing deeply exfoliates the skin, injuries like these are best left alone. If you did get waxed with cuts or scabs, you’re opening yourself up for infection, not to mention pain. 

Even with a scheduled session, you should call your salon and let them know. They’ll happily reschedule you for a time when your skin’s healthy, no questions asked.

With especially bad acne conditions, it’s best to skip waxing

Acne-prone skin can be safely waxed if there’s no active breakout. During a breakout, your pores are essentially infected with acne-causing bacteria. While some beauty treatments are appropriate during an event, waxing isn’t one of them. 

Due to the exfoliating nature of waxing, the top layer of cells is removed. All of your pores are open, and it’s easy for bacteria to spread. Even paired with post-wax care, infection is all but inevitable. 

How pregnancy can affect the waxing experience

Can You Get a Brazilian Wax While Pregnant?

Even though waxing is safe for pregnant people, there are some considerations. You’ll likely experience the process differently than before. From the frequency of sessions to the products you can use after, we’ve got them covered. 

The rate your hair grows back is not the same as usual

Regular wax sessions reduce the amount of hair and how quickly it grows back. Pregnancy hormones can make your pubic hair grow faster! With all the changes happening to your body, unwanted hair adds insult to injury.

You may need to book more frequent sessions to keep up with accelerated hair growth. Communication is critical, though; your esthetician can advise you on when to remove hair. 

You may be more sensitive to the hair removal process

Especially during the first trimester, you’ll have much more sensitive skin. There’s increased blood flow to the skin and pubic area, so you’ll feel waxing differently. Brazilian or bikini waxing is still safe, but communicate with your esthetician and let them know.

This isn’t the time to try out a new salon. If you have a relationship with your salon and trust their expertise, go with what you know. 

Products you use may have to fit your pregnancy needs

Skincare products absorb through the skin, and some chemicals pass into the bloodstream. Discuss your concerns with your esthetician because you may need different products than previously. Many waxes contain phthalates, parabens, and fragrances, which are unsafe for pregnant people. 

Finding safe products during pregnancy doesn’t have to be a chore either. There are plenty of natural products that don’t contain harmful chemicals.

Tips on making waxing while pregnant easier

Waxing isn’t ever painless, and it can be more so during pregnancy. Even with communication and precautions, you can do some other things to ease the process.

Make sure the salon you frequent is hygienic 

This is important anytime but even more so during pregnancy. After waxing, your skin is susceptible to infection, and it’s easier for pathogens to access your body. An easy tip is to ensure your salon is hygienic.

Look for the obvious signs of clean doors, floors, and windows. Your esthetician's workspace should also look tidy. Disposable waxing tools, fresh linens, and good hygiene practices are a must. Ask what their sanitation policies are, and if it doesn’t feel right, walk. 

Always follow your esthetician’s aftercare advice

Hormonal changes increase the potential for ingrown hairs, so following aftercare instructions is crucial. If you follow their advice, there’s little chance of complications after routine waxing. 

If you’re familiar with your provider and comfortable with the salon, approach them with any concerns. They’re trained professionals and can offer their advice.

Consult with your esthetician before and after your appointment

Check-in with your esthetician before your first pregnant Brazilian. They’re a wealth of knowledge and information. This also allows your team to gather any pregnancy-safe products before your visit. 

After your session, stay in contact with any issues or concerns that pop up during recovery. They can change a product or process if you experience negative side effects. 

Even when pregnant, Denver Waxing is here for your waxing needs!

At Denver Waxing, we love pampering pregnant people! We go above and beyond for our clients daily; it’s part of our mission. Our services are inclusive of all, and that extends to clients who become pregnant.

Let us help you feel your best as you welcome a new life into the world. Book a consultation or service today!


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