Meet miranda
I started Denver Waxing on Sept 10th 2008 and I have been in the ballpark area the whole 14 years. I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I started Denver Waxing haha. All I knew was that I loved waxing and I loved the atmosphere of being one on one with clients. The longer I kept going, the more I realized how many relationships I had built with my clients, and it has been very fulfilling. What I have honored this whole time is making sure I'm going the extra mile for each appt. My goal on a daily basis is to be that local business that goes to any length for our guests. I was born in Colorado and have never left! But, you must know this... I've never skied or snowboarded, LOL. When I'm not in the studio I'm spending my time relaxing with my family and remembering to keep my life as simple as possible. I feel so grateful to be where I'm at and I have so many clients to thank. After 13 years of being on my own I have hired my first employee and it's been so fun seeing how far this business has grown.