How Long Does a Brazilian Wax Last?

Are you interested in getting a Brazilian wax, but are unsure about the results? While there are general guidelines, the truth is that everyone’s rate of hair growth is a bit different! There are a bunch of factors that can influence the rate at which your hair regrows.

For most people, Brazilian wax results last around 2 weeks. After that, you’ll notice some hair begin to regrow. Because some growth is necessary for a follow up wax, you can expect your follow-up appointment to be scheduled somewhere between 4 to 6 weeks after your initial wax!

What type of factors determine how long your Brazilian wax will last?

Like a wide range of products, the longevity of your results can be influenced by a number of factors – waxing is no different! If you’re thinking about making the plunge into the amazing world of waxing, we’re happy to explain what factors most influence how quickly any new hair growth appears. 

Different body areas hair growth cycles are different and some hair growth phases last longer than others

Let’s clarify one thing first: everyone is different. That means that even though there’s a general rule for new hair growth, these rules may vary for each person. After a few sessions and actively monitoring your hair growth, you’ll be able to find the pattern as it applies to your own body.

With that being said, one of the first factors we will discuss is your hair growth cycles and what each phase means. Overall there are three stages that your strands of hair could be in: growing, resting, and transitioning. Each strand of hair goes through these stages at separate times. Even though you may have waxed all your hairs at one time, some hairs are just below the surface of the skin, invisible and in their growth phase. Because of this reality, it may take a few sessions to even out your growth cycles and provide consistent results.

The more consistent you are with your waxes, the longer you’ll be able to go between waxing sessions

Did you know that the more you get waxed, the slower your hair regrows? That’s right! Because each strand of hair is being pulled directly from the hair follicle, the follicle becomes slightly damaged and, as a result, takes longer to produce new growth. Staying consistent with your waxes will mean longer lasting results and less noticeable body hair. 

Tips to get the most out of your time between waxes and help your skin thrive

Now that you know what things impact how quickly your hair regrows, it’s time to go over what you can do to get the most out of your wax. These three simple tips can help you prolong the amount of time you’re left with smooth, hair-free skin!

Patience is a virtue, and your body hair will thank you

First and foremost: patience is key! In order to get your next wax, your hair must be a minimum of a quarter of an inch long. We know that for some this can be a tall order, but it’s absolutely necessary. As your hair begins to grow out, avoid every urge to shave your pubic hair as this can reset any progress you’ve made.

Don’t forget to exfoliate and moisturize between appointments! 

Outside of letting your hair grow naturally between appointments, we strongly encourage that you establish an exfoliation routine. When you exfoliate regularly, it removes any dead or dry skin, as well as any buildup of oils that may get trapped and clog your pores. In fact, exfoliation is one of the most important factors when trying to mitigate the occurrence of ingrown hairs! Best practices recommend exfoliation two to three times a week.

Elevate your exfoliation process by following up each scrub with a rich moisturizer. Regularly adding moisture to exfoliated areas means that your skin can sufficiently absorb moisture and mitigate the likelihood of dry patches.

Leave it to your wax specialist to guide you with specialized advice

The best part about getting a professional wax? The care and customization of your treatment that comes with every service. Once your esthetician has gotten you all cleaned up and ready to go, they will provide you with tailored products and aftercare that perfectly fit the needs of your most sensitive skin.

Feel your best with Denver Waxing and let us show you how it’s done!

Ready for an unparalleled waxing experience? Denver Waxing is proud to specialize in brazilian waxes while also offering a wide range of other waxing services for all of your skincare needs. Find your new waxing home – book online for your next service today!


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